Our clients earn our appreciation & residual income for referrals.
When you become an OC Digital Marketing client you also become our partner and unlock additional earning opportunities.
classic referrals
Tell associates directly about your experience with us and why they should consider OCDM for their web design and marketing needs.
network referrals
Spread the word quickly by posting directly to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and any other platform where your connections might appreciate it.
passive referrals
The small attribution link at the bottom of your website will include a tracking code that can earn you cash without any effort at all.
So how much can you earn? A LOT!
As you can imagine, we spend quite a bit on marketing every month and instead of all that that money going to Google and Facebook, we’d prefer it to be going right back to our clients.
Get 10% Forever!
You will earn 10% on any and all OCDM service fees that we are paid from your referrals. You can apply it towards your invoices or cash out.
Sound good?
Here are some more details. Reach out to us with any questions.
Is it really a full 10%?
Yes. For every dollar we are paid, you receive a $0.10 rebate/referral. If your referral pays us $8,500 for a website, you receive $850. If a client spends $3,500/month on marketing services, you receive $350 every month they are with us.
When do I get paid?
As soon as we do! We do offer a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee on our services, so as long as your referral doesn’t want a refund, you get your 10%. We can apply it to any of your invoices and/or we can send it right to you.
Who can I refer?
Anyone you think would be a good match. We are selective with the clients we take on, but if it’s a referral from you, we’re sure they’ll be great.
Is there a limit?
Nope. Refer away and as long as we take on the client and get paid, you will too. Our first priority is always to make sure that you are happy with the services that we provide your business. This program is in place to simply reward you for spreading the word.
How do you get started?
Easy… Get a quote. Hire us. And then spread the word.